How to improve your digital security
1 min
4 guides that will help improve your digital security
The ExpressVPN blog features advice, explanations, reviews, information security updates, online privacy, politics, ExpressVPN products, and all the things about which we are passionate. Some...
How to use the Lightning Network
6 mins
Taking your first steps on the Lightning Network
Cryptocurrencies are beginning to change the world, but they have not been able to prove themselves for regular consumer payment, mostly because of the...
The website that knows where your cat lives.
2 mins
The website that knows where your cat lives
Fact: Cats like attention. Anyone who’s ever tried to watch the TV around a cat licking its nether-regions in front of the screen will...
Supreme Court building overflowing with data
4 mins
Two Supreme Court cases that will redefine your digital privacy in 2018
NOTE: This post was originally published on January 16, 2018 Within the next six months, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule on two cases that...
Bitcoin's multisig wallets and how to use them
6 mins
How to use Bitcoin’s multisignature wallets
A Bitcoin generally can only be spent by its owner as identified through their public key hash, e.g., their Bitcoin address. The Bitcoin protocol...
The ExpressVPN logo.
1 min
ExpressVPN security updates to protect systems from Spectre and Meltdown
This post was originally published on January 10, 2018. What are Spectre and Meltdown? Last week, two major security flaws, dubbed Meltdown and Spectre, were discovered...
DuckDuckGo logo
3 mins
DuckDuckGo at 10: Looking ahead with CEO Gabriel Weinberg
Meeting the growing demand of the privacy-conscious public for 10 years now is DuckDuckGo—a privacy-oriented search engine that doesn’t collect or share any of...
How to achieve offline privacy
4 mins
Is there still privacy in the real world?
There are sensors and cameras everywhere, social convention dictates we carry what is essentially a surveillance device with us at all times, and passport...
How to give Bitcoin as a gift
3 mins
How to gift Bitcoin this Christmas
Need a belated, last minute Christmas present on the fly? ExpressVPN has you covered! Bitcoins don’t exist in physical form (some say they don’t exist...
holiday privacy videos
2 mins
5 videos you can watch before the holidays to become an internet privacy expert
It’s that time of year again! All across the globe, people are returning home to celebrate the holidays with their families. Tipsy grandpas will...
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Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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Did Russia really ban VPNs?
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