how to improve your online privacy and security
4 mins
6 easy ways to improve your online privacy and security
From debilitating data breaches to social media platforms running amok with our information, it seems as if the assaults on our privacy are endless....
1 min
ExpressVPN’s all encompassing, jargon-busting Bitcoin glossary
Much like the internet, the Bitcoin network introduced a vast array of new words to explain its unique functionality. This specialized vocabulary can make...
A VPN for cheaper online shopping
7 mins
Online shopping with a VPN: Find deals and protect yourself this Christmas
Stand aside, brick-and-mortar stores: Online shopping has been growing exponentially, bringing with it undeniable upsides, but also a few risks. A virtual private network...
A hammer tries to brute force open a padlock.
5 mins
How brute-force cracking might reveal your password
In cryptography, a brute force attack attempts to decipher encrypted content by guessing the encryption key. This attack is feasible when the encryption key...
4 mins
10 ways a VPN for games improves your gaming
A VPN for games (GPN, or gamers private network) can lower the latency between a player and the server client (ping) and speed up...
8 mins
How ExpressVPN keeps its web servers patched and secure
This article explains ExpressVPN’s approach to security patch management for the infrastructure running the ExpressVPN website (not the VPN servers). In general, our approach...
3 mins
The secret codes that nobody can crack
Remember back in school, when you and your best friend would exchange secret notes across the classroom in code? The two of you muffling...
HTTPS Everywhere logo.
2 mins
Browse more securely with EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere and ExpressVPN
This post was originally published June 19, 2018. Encrypting your internet traffic is critical for your privacy and security, as it protects your online activity...
Dollars forming a circular “wait” icon above a “Loading…” message. Without net neutrality, expect a slower internet.
3 mins
Net neutrality: what the repeal means and how a VPN can help
Update: As of June 11, 2018, Net Neutrality has officially been repealed, meaning the rules requiring internet service providers to give equal access to...
Supreme Court building overflowing with data
5 mins
4 ways to back up your data securely
Photos, documents, saved video games, and old emails: We accumulate a lot of data throughout our lives. And just like our parents’ attic, our...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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