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Talk to a HumanThis guide will show you how to find the default sign-in details for Asus, Linksys, and Netgear routers, including:
- default network name and password
- default router admin password
You will need these credentials when setting up the ExpressVPN app on your router.
In general, your router’s default sign-in details can be found on the bottom of your router. For specific instructions, refer to the section corresponding to your router maker below.
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Default network name and password
You can find the default network name next to 2.4GHz SSID and 5GHz SSID on the bottom of your Asus router.
You can also find the default network password next to PIN CODE. Note that this information can appear on a separate label.
If the PIN code is not printed on your router, you can find it in your Asus router’s settings:
- To access your Asus router’s settings, enter into your browser’s address bar. (If your router’s IP address was changed in the past, and you cannot remember it, you can find it in your device’s settings.)
- You can see the default network password under PIN code.
If you are unable to access your router’s settings, reset your router to factory default settings to reset your network password.
Default router admin password
To sign in to the ExpressVPN router dashboard, you will be prompted to enter your router admin password.
You can find the default router admin password on the bottom of your Asus router.
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Default network name and password
You can find the default network name next to Wireless Network on the bottom of your Linksys router.
You can also find the default network password next to Wireless Password on the same sticker.
Default router admin password
To sign in to the ExpressVPN router dashboard, you will be prompted to enter your router admin password.
You can find the default router admin password on the bottom of your Linksys router.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.
Default network name and password
You can find the default network name below WiFi Network Name (SSID) on the bottom of your Netgear router.
You can also find the default network password below Network Key (Password) on the same sticker.
Default router admin password
To sign in to the ExpressVPN router dashboard, you will be prompted to enter your router admin password.
You can find the default router admin password next to Password on the bottom of your Netgear router.
Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.