Tips & tricks

2 mins
Unsuspecting Android users could find malware wrapped in image files
Researchers have discovered a new technique which could allow malicious apps to be delivered to unsuspecting Android users via image files. Fortinet malware researcher Axelle...
3 mins
Old ATMs susceptible to malware attacks, ATM scams on the rise
Back in the summer of 2010 the late Barnaby Jack gave a presentation at the Black Hat security conference in which he demonstrated the ‘jackpotting’...
3 mins
Malware infects MS Office: Like you needed another reason to hate PowerPoint
“Death by PowerPoint” — it's a common refrain from office workers inundated by one lifeless slideshow after another, desperately wishing a nap in the...
3 mins
Sick and tired: Ebola malware making the rounds
What are your chances of contracting Ebola, the awful haemorrhagic fever spreading through West Africa? Despite recent media coverage the answer is extremely low...
3 mins
Smart meters, dumb security? Hacking the Internet of Things
According to the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change, almost 100,000 smart meters were installed in homes through the second quarter of 2014...
3 mins
YouTube malware: Sweet Orange swallows YouTube
Watch YouTube much? Statistics say you do — according to the video sharing site's official statistics page, over 1 billion unique users visit and...
3 mins
Soggy cardboard? Dropbox says it wasn’t hacked
Snowden called it, apparently. In a recent interview, the NSA whistleblower warned cloud storage users to avoid Dropbox because the service doesn't use encryption....
3 mins
New documentary shining light on Snowden: Citizenfour
In May of 2013, few people in the United States — let alone worldwide — knew anything about Edward Snowden. The mild-mannered IT security contractor...
Everything you ever needed to know about mobile security
3 mins
Mobile malware: Are you a moving target?
According to data from the PewResearch Internet Project, nearly 60 percent of American adults own a smartphone. These numbers are only increasing — BGR...
9 mins
ExpressVPN supports National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2014
Did you know? October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. During October, Stay Safe Online is encouraging everybody to raise awareness about safety and...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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1 min

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