Tips & tricks

3 mins
Self-repairing software tackles malware! Software, heal thyself!
What if networks and applications could automatically detect malware intrusions, repair any damage done and then slam the door on further infections of the...
expressvpn for android upgrade
1 min
Do you use ExpressVPN for Android? Did you recently upgrade to Lollipop?
Attention, Android Users! If you recently updated your Android device to Android 5.0 Lollipop, try the following steps if you're having trouble connecting with ExpressVPN. ...
3 mins
Bad apples? Malware bites Mac and iOS
Apple devices are immune to malware. That's the prevailing wisdom, and oft-repeated by those who own iPhones, iPads or Mac laptops as a way...
2 mins
Hackers make unsweet music with redirection
On 27 October security researchers at Symantec discovered that was redirecting visitors to the Rig exploit kit, via an injected iframe. Visitors to the popular...
3 mins
BlackEnergy malware plug-ins run rampant
Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team last week published an interesting report detailing the crimeware turned cyber espionage tool BlackEnergy. First identified several years...
3 mins
The criminal’s cloak: Bitcoin’s new role in ransomware
There’s a tradition in policing, popularized by All The President’s Men – to expose criminal activity, you follow the money. After all, it’s money...
4 mins
OS X Yosemite: Are security and privacy the first thought or an afterthought?
Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) has arrived and, according to Apple, it comes with safety. Built right in. The company’s claim that security was “The...
Bitly links flagged as Malware.
3 mins
Don’t get bit: URL-shortening service flagged as malware
If you can't trust Bitly, who can you trust? Citizens of the web found themselves stymied last week when Google Chrome and Firefox began...
3 mins
Backoff, malware! POS problem won’t leave well enough alone
Visited a Dairy Queen lately and paid with your credit or debit card? If so, it's possible your personal information was stolen by the...
use a vpn to stop verizon wireless from tracking you
3 mins
Verizon’s ‘perma-cookie’: Just another example of how ISPs invade, threaten our privacy
**Update: Verizon forced 'supercookies' on all of their customers until March 2015, when several senators raised privacy concerns over the practice. One year later,...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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