Tips & tricks

4 mins
Encrypted chat apps: Give ’em nothing to talk about
Update: we've done a follow-up post about even more encrypted chat apps for you to keep your conversations private! In the wake of NSA snooping...
3 mins
Kaspersky: Macs overripe for malware threats
Security firm Kaspersky recently released its Security Bulletin for 2014, detailing critical cybersecurity statistics gathered in the last year. Among their findings? That Apple...
2 mins
DeathRing: Some Android phones come pre-loaded with malware
If you are looking to buy a new Android smartphone you are probably already aware that it is a wise idea to install an...
2 mins
Mix Chewbacca with Dexter, Get LusyPOS
Darknet markets have been found selling LusyPOS, a new type of point-of-sale malware which is similar in nature to other RAM scrapers utilized in...
3 mins
Literally malware? The figurative explosion of Uber’s app
Last week, The Hacker News posted an article about the mobile app offered by ride-sharing service Uber — turns out a security researcher from...
3 mins
Who created the Regin malware?
A few weeks ago, security vendor Symantec discovered an advanced piece of malware that it says has been used to conduct surveillance since at...
3 mins
No negotiation: The rising threat of crypto ransomware
We all know the rule – you don’t negotiate with terrorists. When you react to their demands, you prove their tactics work. Worse, you...
3 mins
Theft from the skies: Could cell phone data theft affect you?
Now that smartphones are everywhere, it’s easy to forget just how remarkable they really are. When you take a moment to think about everything...
2 mins
FireEye discovers iOS Masque Attack, Apple downplays threat
Computer security experts are warning Apple customers over a new bug that affects iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. This post is...
4 mins
Android 5.0 Lollipop’s sweet new security features
Google’s Android Lollipop is the fifth version of its tablet and smartphone operating system and it could very well find its way onto far...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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