Tips & tricks

3 mins
Hackers can remotely control your car – #WTFWednesday
You think you’re in control of your car. You’re driving down the highway at 75mph, singing along to your favorite song, when weird things start...
Unrelated picture of a kitten in a box. Why not?
1 min
Friends don’t let friends browse the web unsecurely
  Love ExpressVPN? Sharing is caring! Refer a friend and you both get 30 FREE days! Help your friend, BFF, or frenemy stay secure and private online...
mac adware is rotten
2 mins
Mac users vulnerable to adware and worse while Apple procrastinates on bug fix
Malware might still only be a minor threat to Mac users, but adware continues to grow like a plague. The latest exploit comes in...
3 mins
Pixels in images can hack your computer – #WTFWednesday
What’s so dangerous about looking at a picture file in your web browser? In the past, nothing. You loaded the image. It displayed on your...
use social media at world track championship
1 min
Use a VPN at Worlds to stay in touch with everyone back home!
Don’t lose touch with your friends and family when you’re ripping up the track at Worlds. You’ve worked your butt off to get this far. You train hard....
the nsa is stealing your cookies
3 mins
Milking it: NSA Goes after advertiser cookies for user data
What's in a cookie? Used by browsers of all types, these small files are designed to help websites create tailored, curated experiences for netizens...
gamapos malware
2 mins
New strain of malware steals credit card info from local businesses
The latest strain of malicious software targets everything from pet stores and movie theaters to restaurants and credit unions. Called GamaPOS, the malware already...
watch pga tour with a vpn
1 min
Watch the PGA Championship online
If you’re a golf fan, you probably wish you were in Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin for the 2015 PGA Championship — coming up...
3 mins
GCHQ: Financial centers next for Russian hackers
It was all going so well. After decades of Cold War, slightly lukewarm interactions, and the occasionally civil gesture, the United States, Britain and...
rook security releases tool to remove hacking team malware
2 mins
New tool helps journalists and activists detect governments’ snooping malware
Researchers at Rook Security have created a free tool to scan and detect a malware that is used by oppressive government regimes to spy on...
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
1 min

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