1 min
Prizes for privacy: The ExpressVPN Future of Privacy Scholarship
ExpressVPN is proud to announce The ExpressVPN Future of Privacy Scholarship (EFPS), which dedicates action and resources to students in high schools and graduate...
12 mins
The Game of Phones: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs encryption
**UPDATED FOR 2017** In this article, ExpressVPN focuses on WhatsApp and Telegram. If you want to see how other chat apps compare, click here for...
1 min
ExpressVPN and EFF unite to stand against Rule 41 amendments
Imagine a world where a government could hack thousands of computers with a single warrant, computers possibly located anywhere in the world. Sound scary?...
What if digital privacy had a TV show?
7 mins
If the debate over digital privacy were a TV show, this is what it...
It’s no secret that the fight for digital privacy has taken some dramatic turns -- just look at the life history of Edward Snowden....
3 mins
How to secure your Bitcoins and prevent irrecoverable wallet loss
Your Bitcoin wallet is like a Swiss bank account in your pocket. It’s not easy for others to view it, and if you work...
6 mins
Technology and agency: 5 ways you might be manipulated online
It’s no secret the Internet is a powerful source of information and convenience for everyone. We go to it for news about the world,...
4 mins
How to replace old or damaged hard drives securely
If you are like most other computer users, you’ll rarely throw away or delete data. And with disk space becoming cheaper and cheaper, you’ll...
2 mins
Why ExpressVPN is scared of chatbots (and definitely doesn’t use them)
ExpressVPN doesn’t use chatbots, and for good reasons. While AI is improving, it’s still not human, and it will miss some of the finer (and...
4 mins
How to stop advertisers from tracking your browsing habits
The primary ways of de-anonymizing users on the internet is through the use of cookies and personal information. Web sites can load a cookie onto...
1 min
How Craig Wright definitely didn’t prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto
Craig Wright is not the inventor of Bitcoin, at least not judging by the poor and fabricated evidence he provided to the contrary. ExpressVPN's monthly...
1 min
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Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
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