Which countries have the best internet privacy laws?
1 min
The online land of the free definitely isn’t America. So who is it?
America and Britain like to position themselves as the global arbiters of freedom, democracy, and civil rights. But when it comes to internet privacy, and...
web-savvy grandma
4 mins
Silver Surfer security tips: Stay safe online through your golden years
The internet is a relatively young tool, and popular perception is that most of its users are similarly youthful. After all, social media is...
5 mins
Why websites should sprinkle salt on their hashes to protect your passwords
Despite their shortcomings, passwords are still the de facto standard for authentication on the web. ExpressVPN has already written about the benefits of creating secure...
Facebook quizzes invade your privacy
3 mins
Can Facebook quizzes really tell you the name of your future spouse?
Of course they can't, that’s absurd. But preposterous quiz titles such as these litter our Facebook walls, almost constantly. Respite is usually only in the...
Why we need a decentralized internet.
3 mins
Why the world must demand a decentralized internet
Development of various packet switching networks like ARPANET laid the foundations of the modern internet, for example by adopting the Internet Protocol Suite, which...
Onion address bar.
7 mins
What is an .onion address on Tor, and how to get one
Getting the URL of your choice is quite straight forward on the regular internet. But getting a vanity .onion domain can be lengthy work.
A picture of Edward Snowden
1 min
5 years later: How Edward Snowden changed the world
There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who think Edward Snowden is a champion of privacy and a true hero for...
Olympic hero uses ExpressVPN
3 mins
An interview with Ashton Eaton, world’s greatest athlete and ExpressVPN user
There are those who run. There are those who jump. There are those who throw. And then there are those who do all three...
An onion outline.
2 mins
ExpressVPN launches Tor onion service: Expressobutiolem.onion
This post was originally published on August 17, 2016. ExpressVPN is proud to announce added security and privacy with the launch of a hidden service...
1 min
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Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
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