Tips & tricks

VPN et navigation sécurisée
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
“We have heard only twice. He wrote me a few lines on Wednesday to say that he had arrived...
Apple iOS Update
3 mins
Explainer: iPhone’s new App Tracking Transparency feature
Apple has rolled out a privacy feature on its iOS 14.5 iPhone update that allows users to opt-out of being tracked on apps. Here’s how it works.
An app button with a virus and location symbol.
3 mins
Privacy flaw found in Google and Apple’s contact-tracing tool
Hundreds of contact-tracing apps on Android devices didn't keep sensitive data secure.
A warning sign with a syringe in the middle.
4 mins
Here’s what vaccine scams look like
Covid-19 vaccinations are free, but that’s not stopping scammers from trying to get credit card and personal information through phishing and other methods.
Xbox logo mark with warning signs.
2 mins
How to stop DDoS attacks on Xbox
Want to game in peace? Find out what’s behind the increase in gaming related DDoS attacks, and what you can do to protect your Xbox.
QR code with a skull on it.
3 mins
Are QR codes safe? Not always
There are a few ways QR codes pose online security risks. Here are a few simple tips to protect yourself.
User icon with frustration lines emanating from their globe head.
4 mins
Slow internet driving you mad? 4 possible reasons
Can’t connect? We know that pain. Can connect but it’s painfully slow? We know that pain and we hate it more. Here’s what might be the culprit.
4 mins
Are you human or robot? How CAPTCHAs know
Different types of CAPTCHAs protect websites from spambots. Here’s how they work, and tips to solve them. But first, find all the street signs in these images...
Steering wheel with Wi-Fi symbol.
2 mins
How “wardriving” puts vulnerable Wi-Fi on a map
Wardriving is the act of searching for vulnerable Wi-Fi networks from inside a moving vehicle. Here's how you can keep your network protected.
Back to the office? 8 tips to protect your privacy at work
3 mins
Back to the office? 7 tips to protect your privacy at work
Protecting your privacy in the workplace doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some ways you can do so both physically and virtually.
Bandaid on a smartphone
1 min
Don’t post your vaccine cards on social media
Posting pictures of your vaccination card opens you up to identity fraud and scams. Here’s what you can do instead.
Open Source Initiative logo.
3 mins
Free and open-source software (FOSS): Pros and cons for security
Chances are you’ve used more free and open-source software (FOSS) than you realise. We take a look at the benefits of FOSS.
Eye in a cloud.
5 mins
What your internet service provider knows from your online traffic
If you don't encrypt your online traffic, your ISP can potentially see everything. Let’s fix that.
1 min
1 min
Demo Canva and Typeform Shortcode
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
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Did Russia really ban VPNs?
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